Pubs are the core object of PubPub. If you’re a journal, for example, you’ll want to use Pubs to create your articles. If you’re writing a book, Pubs will be your chapters. PubPub’s editor saves in real-time, allows for multi-user editing, and supports everything from images to tables, citations, videos and more.
Draft Mode
In draft mode, the Pub editor automatically saves text while you’re working on it. Your work is saved when the saving label is green and says “Saved.” The editor can work offline and save your work when you go back online.
If the editor fails to save work, the saving label will show red say “Disconnected.” It will prompt you to copy any changes and refresh the page before you leave the page.
To save a public version or private snapshot version of your Pub, click the Publish button.
Release notes: If entered, these notes will be publicly available on the Pub Dashboard overview.
The Pub editor is collaborative by default. The avatar of every collaborator currently working in the Pub is shown below the save version button. The real-time cursor position of everyone working in the Pub is shown at the place in the Pub they are editing. Everyone’s changes are automatically saved in real time.
Importing is still a work in progress. Depending on the format you’re importing from, support may not be complete for advanced features like citations, images, or captions.
Use: In a blank Pub, click the import button. Select the file you’d like to import from the file dialog box that pops up.
Exporting is still a work in progress. Depending on the format you’re exporting to, support may not be complete for advanced features like citations, images, or captions.
Use: Click export in the sidebar of the Pub or in the Pub options panel. Select the file type you’d like to export to and click the export button.
Use the formatting bar, the inline formatting menu (accessible when you select text), common keyboard shortcuts, or common Markdown shortcuts to format text. Depending on your screen size, some formatting options may be displayed in the more (…) dropdown in the formatting bar.
Block type formats are applied to the entire line of text, regardless of selection. Inline type formats can be applied at the cursor or to selected text. Most styles can be mixed with inline styles.
Options for formats are displayed in the formatting bar when you click on or select the format.
Header 1
This is a header 1 example.
Use: Click the Header 1 option in the format dropdown in the formatting bar or the Header 1 (H1) button in the inline formatting menu. Or, use the markdown shortcut #.
Result: Sets text to large H1 style, and adds the header to the Pub navigation.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Header 2
This is a header 2 example.
Use: Click the Header 2 option in the format dropdown in the formatting bar or the Header 2 (H2) button in the inline formatting menu. Or, use the markdown shortcut ##.
Result: Sets text to medium H2 style, and adds the header to the Pub navigation.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Header 3
This is a header 3 example.
Use: Click the Header 3 button in the format dropdown in the formatting bar or inline formatting menu. Or, use the markdown shortcut ###.
Result: Sets text to medium H3 style, and adds the header to the Pub navigation.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Code Block
This is a code block.
Use: Click the code block button in format dropdown in the formatting bar.
Result: Creates a code block.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Example: This is regular text. This is bold text.
Use: Click the bold (B) button in the formatting bar or inline formatting menu. Or, use the keyboard shortcut cmd/ctrl-b.
Result: Sets text to bold style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Example: This is regular text. This is italic text.
Use: Click the italic (I) button in the formatting bar or inline formatting menu. Or, use the keyboard shortcut cmd/ctrl-i.
Result: Sets text to italic style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Use: Click the link button in the formatting bar or inline formatting menu. Or, use the keyboard shortcut cmd/ctrl-k. In the input box that appears or in the formatting bar, type your link. To test your link, cursor to or hover over linked text and click the “go to link” button in the panel that pops up or in the formatting bar. To remove your link, cursor to or hover over linked text and click the “remove” button in the panel that pops up or in the formatting bar.
Result: Adds a link to the text.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Unordered List
This is the first item in an unordered list.
This is the second item in an unordered list.
This is a nested unordered list item.
This is a double-nested unordered list item.
Use: Click the unordered list button in the formatting bar. Or, use the markdown shortcut - . To create a second list item, type enter. To create a nested list item, use type tab. To un-nest a list item, type shift-tab.
Result: Creates an unordered list.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Ordered List
This is the first item in an ordered list.
This is the second item in an ordered list.
This is a nested ordered list item.
This is a double-nested unordered list item.
Use: Click the unordered list button in the formatting bar. Or, use the markdown shortcut 1. . To create a second list item, type enter. To create a nested list item, use type tab. To un-nest a list item, type shift-tab.
Result: Creates an ordered list.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Blockquote / quotation
This is a blockquote/quotation.
Use: Click the blockthrough (”) button in the formatting bar.
Result: Sets text to blockthrough style.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Inline code
Example: This is regular text. This is inline code.
Use: Click the code (</>) button in the formatting bar.
Result: Sets text to inline code style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Example: This is regular text. This is subscript.
Use: Click the subscript (X2) button in the formatting bar.
Result: Sets text to subscript style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Example: This is regular text. This is superscript.
Use: Click the superscript (X2) button in the formatting bar.
Result: Sets text to superscript style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Example: This is regular text. This is strikethrough text.
Use: Click the strikethrough (S̶) button in the formatting bar.
Result: Sets text to strikethrough style.
Type: Inline (formatting can be applied to part of a line).
Example: This sentence ends in a citation.[1]
Use: Click the citation button in the formatting bar. Click the citation that appears. In the formatting bar, use the structured data input box to input bibtex, DOI, wikidata URL or bib json citations. Use the text input box to add additional unstructured text to your citation. Hover over the citation to see the citation as it appears to the reader.
Result: Creates a citation.
Citation Lists
Use: Click the citation list button in the Insert menu in the formatting bar.
Result: Generates a citation list from all the citations in the Pub.
Discussion Threads
You can embed discussion threads from the Pub to highlight interesting comments or encourage user participation.
Use: Click the discussion thread button in the Insert menu in the formatting bar. Select the panel that appears. Click the “thread selection” input box in the formatting bar. Select the discussion you want to highlight.
Options (cursor to or click the discussion thread to see options in the formatting bar):
Alignment: left, center, right, or full-width.
You can embed LaTeX equations into your Pubs. We use KaTeX to render equations in real-time. For a full list of supported equations, see KaTeX’s support table and supported functions. Separately, we support importing full Pubs from LaTex. See importing for more details.
Use: Click the equation button in the formatting bar. Select the equation that appears. Enter your equation into the LaTeX input box in the formatting bar.
Options (cursor to or click the equation to see options in the formatting bar):
Display: inline or block
Example: This sentence ends in a footnote.1
Use: Click the footnote button in the formatting bar. Click the footnote that appears. In the formatting bar, use the structured data input box to input bibtex, DOI, wikidata URL or bib json footnotes. Use the text input box to add additional unstructured text to your footnote. Hover over the footnote to see the footnote as it appears to the reader.
Result: Creates a footnote.
Footnote Lists
Use: Click the citation list button in the Insert menu in the formatting bar.
Result: Generates a footnote list from all the footnotes in the Pub.
Horizontal Line
Use: Click the horizontal line button in the formatting bar.
Result: Creates a horizontal line.
Type: Block (formatting is applied to the entire line).
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
2, 1
2, 2
2, 3
Use: Click the table in the Insert menu in the formatting bar.
Options (cursor to or click the table to see the table options dropdown in the formatting bar):
Use: Click the media button in the formatting bar. In the modal menu that appears, select the type of media you would like to insert and upload your file/set the options.
You can add jpg, png, or gif images to your Pubs. Images will be uploaded to and hosted from PubPub’s servers.
Use: Select image under files in the media modal. Click the upload button or drag a file into the upload pane.
Options (cursor to or click the image to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the image to display. Image height will be automatically scaled to maintain its native proportions.
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your iFrame. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts.
Source: click the download icon to download the image to your computer. Click the pencil icon to replace the uploaded image with a new one from your computer.
You can add .mp3, .wav, or .ogg audio files to your Pubs. Audios will be uploaded to and hosted from PubPub’s servers, and served via a native HTML5 player.
Use: Select audio under files in the media modal. Click the upload button or drag an audio file into the upload pane.
Options (cursor to or click the video to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the image to video. Video height will be automatically scaled to maintain its native proportions.
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your iFrame. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts.
Source: click the download icon to download the audio file to your computer. Click the pencil icon to replace the uploaded audio file with a new one from your computer.
You can add .mp4 or .webm videos to your Pubs. Videos will be uploaded to and hosted from PubPub’s servers, and served via a native HTML5 player.
Use: Select video under files in the media modal. Click the upload button or drag a video into the upload pane.
Options (cursor to or click the video to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the image to video. Video height will be automatically scaled to maintain its native proportions.
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your iFrame. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts.
Source: click the download icon to download the video to your computer. Click the pencil icon to replace the uploaded video with a new one from your computer.
You can embed files of any type (as long as they meet our Terms of Service) into your Pubs that users can download. Files will be uploaded to and hosted from PubPub’s servers.
Use: Select other under files in the media modal. Click the upload button or drag a file into the upload pane.
Options (cursor to or click the file to see options in the formatting bar):
You can use iFrames to embed a webpage or any type of interactive, including maps, videos, and audio. The embedded page must not block iFrames. Embedded iFrames are not cached, hosted, or archived by PubPub.
Use: Select iframe under apps in the media modal. Enter a url and click insert.
Options (cursor to or click the iFrame to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the iFrame to display
Height: the height of the iFrame to display (content below the height will be available via an inline scrollbar)
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your iFrame. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts.
Source: the URL of the page you want to embed.
You can embed a YouTube video into your pub. The video must be set to allow embeds. Embedded YouTube videos are not cached, hosted, or archived by PubPub.
Use: Select YouTube under apps in the media modal. Enter a YouTube url and click insert.
Options (cursor to or click the embed to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the video to display
Height: the height of the video to display
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your video. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts. Default: the title of the YouTube image.
Source: the URL of the video you want to embed.
You can embed a CodePen into your pub. The Pen must be set to allow embeds. Embedded Pens are not cached, hosted, or archived by PubPub.
Use: Select CodePen under apps in the media modal. Enter a CodePen url and click insert.
Options (cursor to or click the embed to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the Pen to display
Height: the height of the Pen to display
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your Pen. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts. Default: the title of the Pen.
Source: the URL of the Pen you want to embed.
You can embed a Vimeo into your pub. The Vimeo must be set to allow embeds. Embedded Vimeos are not cached, hosted, or archived by PubPub.
Use: Select Vimeo under apps in the media modal. Enter a Vimeo url and click insert.
Options (cursor to or click the embed to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the Vimeo to display
Height: the height of the Vimeo to display
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your Vimeo. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts. Default: the title of the Vimeo.
Source: the URL of the Vimeo you want to embed.
You can embed a Soundcloud into your pub. The Soundcloud must be set to allow embeds. Embedded Soundclouds are not cached, hosted, or archived by PubPub.
Use: Select Soundcloud under apps in the media modal. Enter a Soundcloud url and click insert.
Options (cursor to or click the embed to see options in the formatting bar):
Size: the width of the Soundcloud to display
Height: the height of the Soundcloud to display
Alignment: left, center, right or full-width (disables size)
Caption: add text below your Soundcloud. Supports bold and italic via keyboard shortcuts. Default: the title of the Soundcloud.
Source: the URL of the Soundcloud you want to embed.
does anyone know which file formats support these imports, in particular citations? Thanks!
David Reinstein:
I’m working on importing markdown files which include tables and other content. But these are not coming out completely (e.g., tables are not being rendered)
1. Is there a guide to the markdown syntax somewhere? 2. Any specific guide to the syntax for tables?
Roger Cousens:
Text boxes are common in science books, containing perhaps a page or two of text and one or two figures. They are sort of an interlude in a section of a chapter. More than a footnote. Something you might want to go back and read later, for deeper examination of an issue. Is there any way of handling this in PubPub? Any suggestions?
Maximilian Petras:
Making them collapsible would be nice, too!
+ 1 more...
Julia Strutz:
I cannot find the citation list and footnote list in the insert menu. Can you help me with this? Thank you!
Bill Clark:
I also don’t find it in the formatting bar. But if you go to the bottom of the page, you will find sections on ‘Footnotes’, ‘Citations’, ‘Comments’ etc. that you can ‘open’ by clicking on the pair of up/down facing arrows to the right of the the label. That gives the list.